Michael Donahue

QHR Health

Associate Vice President, Healthcare Finance & Reimbursement

With more than 20 years of healthcare experience, Mike has been with QHR since 1984. He developed and implemented the QHR Strategic Pricing Today (SPT) product, which is a comprehensive pricing and rate setting program.

Mike uses his expertise in the financial healthcare field to prepare and deliver extensive seminars covering Medicare cost reporting and reimbursement issues facing hospitals and other providers. He provides multiple Medicare reimbursement education seminars throughout the year including QHR Medicare Boot Camp and QHR Critical Access Hospital Seminars. Mr. Donahue also delivers internet-based webinars covering pressing and emerging health care reimbursement issues and general reimbursement payment issues.

Areas of Expertise

  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Management Consulting
  • Medicare & Medicaid Regulatory Research
  • Medicare & Medicaid Reimbursement
  • Operating, Capital, & Cash Budgets

Previous Experience

  • Blue Cross of Massachusetts, Inc. Senior Auditor, Medicare Auditor, Reimbursement Supervisor
  • Hospital in Northeast Chief Financial Officer


  • J.D., New England School of Law
  • M.S. Suffolk University
  • B.S., Business Administration, Accounting Northeastern University


Certified Attorney in Commonwealth of Massachusetts